Famous Hotels in Geneva - Dreamweaver
A Swiss Tradition of Fine Hospitality - experimental website
Developed as a learning exercise with visual effects, behaviors, and dynamic processing combined in descriptions of hotels and a partial mock-up of a hotel reservation system. In addition to hand-coding, a combination of web development tools and techniques are used, including Dreamweaver 4.0 and Fireworks 4.0. Also present are Javascript, most of it generated from Dreamweaver and Fireworks, and VB Script for server-side processing via active server pages (ASP).
Among the client-side techniques used are frames, image slicing, forms, multiple rollovers, style sheets and libraries. Server-side functionality includes connecting with a database on the host, capturing and validaing user input from forms, dynamically generating output based on that input, working with session variables, and manipulating data via SQL statements.